Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcome to my ART

I always thought of myself as an artist. I don't exactly know why. I don't know how to paint or sing or act. I have no talent. At all. What I have is the gift to appreciate aesthetic. And when I look at a scenery I imagine a model fitted in there. I imagine Heidi Klum on a tree branch with a white silk chiffon gown. I imagine Chanel Iman stranded on an island with her long black hair and a torn red Valentino gown. I imagine Kate Moss skinny dipping in a lake.

Through the flick of the shutter I want to capture moments. And I want to share with you, the joy of having that imagination into a reality.

Join me in this journey. And I ask of nothing but your comments and suggestions. For violent reactions, please send it to:

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